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A Christening service sees people being baptized with water.  Hence why it can be called a Christening or Baptism. 

The opportunity to be baptised is available to everyone. Adults, children and babies are all welcome to be baptised and across the benefice we have regular services where this is possible. 

The first thing we ask you to do is get in contact with us so we can get some details and discuss what needs to happen next.

All those being baptised, parents and Godparents will be invited to a baptism preparation event, these happen regularly in advance of the service itself and it is our hope and expectation that all those able to attend.

We know that people choose godparents for many reasons.  You need to know of some legal rules about choosing godparents for a Church of England christening.  As a minimum, each child should have three godparents: two of the same sex and one of the opposite sex.  You are welcome to have more.  The role involves promising to help raise the child as a Christian, and for this reason all godparents must themselves have been baptized.  For those who were not baptized as children, we are delighted to baptize god-parents along with their god-children, and this makes for a special connection between god-parent and child. 

Elliot Christening

As a church community we take the promises we make in Christening services seriously. We promise to welcome and uphold those being baptized and we enjoy putting that into action. 

We have a Toddler Group every Monday (Term Time) 9:30-10:30am at St. Thomas à Becket  you can find more information here. Everyone is warmly welcome. 

Wooden Cars


Come along to Toddler Time

Join us for stories, songs, craft activities, games, chats and refreshments.

We welcome parents, grandparents and carers of 0-4s to join us on Monday's in term time for songs, stories, fun play, snacks, craft and chat at St. Thomas a Becket Church. There is a mixture of stories and songs from modern and traditional books including the Bible. 

Doors open on Monday's from 9.00am for early birds and the singing session starts about 9.30am. 

Baby Playing with Building Blocks
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