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Following the Ely Diocese vision, we pray to be a generous and visible people of Jesus Christ and we are delighted to welcome you.

Thank you to everyone for doing their part for the greater good!

If you are unable to join us in person, all services will be posted on our YouTube channel. Do subscribe to our YouTube channel if you would like to be notified when a new service is available. 

We are hosting morning prayer every morning, Monday to Friday at 8.30am. To join  simply click here Download zoom and join in.

Meeting ID: 837 2798 9081
Passcode: 702720


Please see our services
page for March
as we have
a different pattern.

Find out what's on


Meet the team here at Ramsey C of E Church


Assistant Curate at Ramsey, Upwood and Ramsey St Mary’s

I moved to Ramsey in 2022 as a newly ordained curate (priest in training) and have loved getting to know the local communities, congregations and natural landscapes in the benefice. I particularly enjoy getting to know local people who are not part of church, through running the 20s and 30s group, visiting Abbey College, partnering with local eco initiatives with our Eco Church group and taking baptism and funeral services.



I am Hayley Challinor and I am the Children and Families worker for St Thomas a Becket, St Peter's and St Mary's churches. My previous career was in education, and I am passionate about sharing God's love with our community. I work three days a week, generally on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays and I can almost always be found at St Thomas a Becket on Sunday mornings.



Hi, I am Jackie, I am the church administrator. My passion is music. I love singing and play many instruments. However in my capacity as Church Administrator, I am the person you will speak to when you are booking your wedding or baptism, when you are thinking of hiring the church space or if you have any general questions. 

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